Saturday, July 5, 2008
This afternoon, something reflective event had come into my mind. Something that I need to inscribed.
As i rode the jeepney heading home, i saw this man who really looked so piteous. He was just looking straight at one side of the jeep. He's maybe 30 or 40 years old. He was tan in complexion. And what made me pity about was that his body is like bending forward. I could see it through his shirt. I felt like I'm grateful for not being like that, but I realized he's more grateful than I. He must have accept himself of what he is and what he was, and then his life must be satisfying already with what he have, and what is now. but what about me?, what about us? Have we accepted ourselves?
I slightly bent my head just enough to see other's shoes, and did i find? I saw this dirty white shoe of this guy's right foot before me. There was something written there, i could'nt understand the other words, except the word nirvana. I then thought, what is nirvana again? I know the meaning, but i couldn't recall. Then I searched for its meaning. It says, nirvana is an ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy. In Buddhism, it is the perfect or beatific state, characterized by the extinction of desires and passions, and the transcending of the separate existence of the self.
Then what could this word do with me?
I then turn my face to the pitiable man. Did he achieve harmony, stability, or joy? I think he did, and he still is, in fact he smiled a very happy smile. His simplicity and meekness showed that he was in harmony, and in joy because he needed not to stay for hours just to fix hair, like others are doing.He does'nt have to bother himself what to wear, or how to wear, not like people nowadays who are never satisfied of what they get, or what they look like. they spend too much time in luxurious things, things that they need not, but others do. To achieve this infinite bliss, we just need to be satisfied. All we to do is to enjoy what we get.
As i rode the jeepney heading home, i saw this man who really looked so piteous. He was just looking straight at one side of the jeep. He's maybe 30 or 40 years old. He was tan in complexion. And what made me pity about was that his body is like bending forward. I could see it through his shirt. I felt like I'm grateful for not being like that, but I realized he's more grateful than I. He must have accept himself of what he is and what he was, and then his life must be satisfying already with what he have, and what is now. but what about me?, what about us? Have we accepted ourselves?
I slightly bent my head just enough to see other's shoes, and did i find? I saw this dirty white shoe of this guy's right foot before me. There was something written there, i could'nt understand the other words, except the word nirvana. I then thought, what is nirvana again? I know the meaning, but i couldn't recall. Then I searched for its meaning. It says, nirvana is an ideal condition of rest, harmony, stability, or joy. In Buddhism, it is the perfect or beatific state, characterized by the extinction of desires and passions, and the transcending of the separate existence of the self.
Then what could this word do with me?
I then turn my face to the pitiable man. Did he achieve harmony, stability, or joy? I think he did, and he still is, in fact he smiled a very happy smile. His simplicity and meekness showed that he was in harmony, and in joy because he needed not to stay for hours just to fix hair, like others are doing.He does'nt have to bother himself what to wear, or how to wear, not like people nowadays who are never satisfied of what they get, or what they look like. they spend too much time in luxurious things, things that they need not, but others do. To achieve this infinite bliss, we just need to be satisfied. All we to do is to enjoy what we get.
I couldn't say anything more but agree and say its very very true. :) happiness is elusive to us nowadays because of lack of satisfaction. the question is? where can we ever find that? Up there.