
Pagerank Zero

My pagerank is now zero. It was last week when my gf told me that I had a pr zero already and as I check it, it had always appeared to be zero since then. But my pr image in my blog remained on 3 so I thought google might be down when I checked it.

But when I check my blog today, the image is already updated and it is really true that my pr has gone. I don't know what are reason that brought down my pagerank to zero. Most bloggers had said that if your blog is already PPP, your pr will go down but this blog is not yet on PPP.

But I am still hopping that my pagerank will go back to three or higher.

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Count 14

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oh,,sorry about your pr..didnt know that google had a visit again.hope you'll get itt back.

wat hapen to me was nowhere i can find my blog in the result page,, waaaaaaaa wat is hapening..

do not using "pay per click" or any other "webmaster-cheat" tricks... hope your pagerank will go back higher ;)

my 2 blogs used to have pr4, when google updated, both had 0. about a month later, i was surprised to see both blogs with pr2. i didn't do anything, i was still writing paid posts, not as much as when both blogs had pr 4 though.

by the way, one of them is with ppp and the other is not.

just wait till google's next update, you might get it back. from 4 i got 2, but it's better than nothing ;)

oh,dear,this is ridiculous!i just wish you'll get back your high rank.just continue blogging,my friend!

It's ok... don't worry about that.. it's because you write paid posts.. that's only the consequences.. :-)

It happen to me too..

im sry about it..you must be devastated to find out about it.. don't worry! it'll go up! Continue the blogging spirit! :) cheers!

Jean Chia

sorry to hear about that. dont worry about that, you are not alone dear. that bcoz of paid post. hopefully the PR will back again!

The best thing to do is to take the PPP code off your blog. Google may soon restore PR, but it may not be the number you want. Just keep on blogging though.


It's okay, you are not alone with the PR0's.......u still have the chance to get it back oneday.Keep on blogging and enjoy it.

me too from pr3 to pr0 and I don't know also what to do with it, its okey keep on blogging..

I really don't know how to put back the pr rank. I haven't been down to zero since I got my rank so I can't give you advise. My friends said that you shouldn't post any code from paid to blog sites. Hope that helps.

You may still using PPP or smorty or any affiliate, but do not put some selling 'direct review' this is what happen to me a few months a go, and now I am back on PR 3... and still I am using PPP & Smorty, just recently I take it off as that banner just make my blog overcrowded, but still you can log on and get your job to do..cheers...

It's happened to me also. My PR down to zero from PR3...I still hope my pr will be back asap :D
